Why Glocal Volunteers?
We, human beings are allotted the times of our existence. And during this only one lifetime, everyone encounters, individually and collectively, challenges and opportunities which are unique in their own generation. The challenges facing our generation in India are enormous; also great are the opportunities in this age of globalization and liberalization – to love and serve our fellow human beings.
Individually we are called to respond to this in our own unique way; but we are also called to respond collectively by joining together.
History has taught us that blessed are the individuals and communities who wisely and obediently respond to the call of their own generation! But it is also true, the consequences of failure in this area were always catastrophic, individually and nationally.
Glocal Volunteers, therefore, came into being with the realization, conviction and commitment that the challenges and opportunities of our generation must be individually and collectively responded to. Together we can work out, to great measure, generational responsibility and serve our generation.

Recent Causes
Agricultural Project, Humanitarian ReliefWork, Educational Project, Counseling & Trauma Care, Training, Widows & Orphans Care, etc